Configuration Synchronization
Upon installation of your site's integration to your club's A/R system, a Configuration Synchronization was completed to update information on your website at a global level. The follwing Club Managment information will be updated on your website upon initiating a Configuration Sync.
- Member Statuses
- Custom Fields
- Holidays
- Fee Billings
- Tee Time Management Information
- Courses Information
- Public Pricing
- Rounds of Golf Rules
- Guest Rounds of Golf Rules
- Golfer Classifications
Note: The information updated by a Configuration Synchronization is dependant upon the modules made available to your site as well as the A/R platform you're utilizing at your club.
Roster Synchronization
Member information found within in your club A/R system is synchronized with your website's Roster module. Any changes that are made to the following Member fields, will trigger an automatic update to the corresponding member information on your website.
- Member Number
- Member Name
- Suffix
- Familiar Name
- Birth Date
- Gender
- Date Joined
- Member Photo
- Parent Member Number
- Relatives
- Mobile Phone
- Addresses
- Member Status
- Guest Golf Rule
- Email
- Business Name
- Profession
- Custom Fields
- Fee Billing (Dues Class/Member Type)
- Golf Rule Info
- Historical Tee Time Bookings
In the event, that the website Roster information is not up to date, a manual Roster Synchronization may be required. To have a Roster Synchronization initiated for your site please engage the Clubhouse Online Support team.
Roster Synchronization for an Individual Member
Due to the length of time a full Roster Synchronization takes, an Individual Synchronization can be completed for a single member. In order to synchronize a single member in your club's A/R System with your websites' Roster follow these steps:
- Enter the member number of the member you wish to update in the Member Number field
- Click on the Start button to intiate the synchronization
- Once the synchronization is completed the member's information will be updated on your webstie
Note: Before running a Roster Sync for an Individual Member, it is recommended to run a Configuration Sync.
Statement Synchronization
The Clubhouse Online Statement module is configured to automatically update all of your member's statement information that is stored in your Club's A/R system. Once you have completed processing any statement changes for your members withn your Club's A/R system, the information will automatically be updated online within a 6 hour period. In the event that a member's statement has not been updated online within this time frame, a manual synchronization process can be completed to bring them up to date.
In order to manually synchronize a member's statement online you will need to follow these steps:
- From the Company Synchronization page, enter in the corresponding member number under the Statement Sync For An Individual Member section.
- Enter in or choose from the calendar the Start Date to synchronize from.
Ex. If a member is missing charges from June 10th, enter in a Start Date of June 1st to ensure everything from June 1st to the 10th is up to date online.
- Click on the Start button to begin the synchronization process.
Once process has completed the member's statement will display the updated information accordingly.
Note: Online Statements will only display a years worth of information online. Anything prior will not be displayed.
Event Synchronization
If your club has the Integrated Events Booking Module, all events are created within the Activity Management system. When ever an event is created within Activity Management and is marked to be uploaded to the website, it will be automatically uploaded once it's creation has been completed. Any Event Registrations or Event Detail changes will also be updated to the website automatically. In the event that the website and Activity Management are not synchronized, an Event Synchronization can be completed within Activity Management.

The Event Synchronization can also be completed from the website by completing the following steps:
- From within Club Central, click on the 'planet' icon and select Modules.
- Click on the Company Management menu item.
- From the Company Synchronization page, click on the Start button under the Event Sync section.
This will initiate a full Event Synchronization and will ensure that the following is up to date on the website:
- Events
- Event Details
- Event Registrations
- Locations
- Categories
- Cancellation Policies
This synchronization will take some time to complete, but does not require the synchronization page to be monitored. In the event you receive an error when attempting to execute the Event Synchronization, please contact support at [email protected]
Note: Event Descriptions that were created on the website will not be overwritten with an Event Synchronization.
Tee Times Synchronization
The Tee Time sync is required when online Tee Sheet information is out of sync with the Jonas Tee Time Management system. Tee sheet changes in Tee Time Management will upload to ClubHouse Online in real time, however if there are any unforeseen problems a Tee Time sync will fix any mismatches between Jonas Tee Time Management and Online Tee Time Reservations. This includes:
- Tee Sheet information – Date available to view and unavailable to view, maximum number of players
- Group bookings on the sheet
- Lottery requests
- Bank information
- Tee Times – type, availability, hole number
Media Library Synchronization
The Media Libraries, found within your website, have been synchronized with the Media Library found withing your Email Marketing system prior to your initial use. This provides you the ability to use any images and or documents available on your webiste, within your Email Campaigns. In the event you need resynchronize your Media Libraries with your Email Marketing module, you will need to follow these steps:

- Navigate to the Company Synchronization screen within Club Central
- Under the Email Marketing Media Library Sync section, click on the Start button.
- The Sync process could be completed anywhater from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on how many files will be synchronized
- Click on the Refresh button at the top of the page, to see the updated Status.
Once completed all the files within the Site Media folder of your website will be available within the Media Library of your Email Marketing system.