User accounts include website Administrators, Employees, or other non-members who wish to access a particular section of the website that requires authentication (logging in). To create a new user account:
Editing a User
Each user account on the website has its own user profile which includes the following details that can be edited: Username, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name and the Email Address. The user profile also provides administrators the ability to issue a password reset request and modify the Roles assigned to the user account.
Note: If editing a member user account, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name and the Email Address should be updated in the club's A/R system as these settings do not alter any of the information found in a member's roster profile nor will these changes update member information found in your Club Management System.
In order to edit a user account:
- Enter the search criteria in the User search field
- Search criteria is based on entering in the User name, Full Name, Email Address or Member Number
- Click Search
- Click on the pencil icon to the left of their username - this will take you to the user profile
- From the user profile you can edit the following details:
- Administrator/Employee User Account: Username, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name and the Email Address
- Member User Account: Username
- The User Restrictions can be edited from the user profile as well:
- Enabled: determines if the user account is active or not
- Administrative Access: determines if the user account should have access to Club Central or not
- Is hidden: determines if the user account should be hidden from the users screen
- If required, the user's associated roles can be modified by clicking Roles in the left hand menu
- Click Save for changes to be recognized