Creating A Form

The Bizform section of your site can be accessed by following these steps:
  1. Login to website
  2. Switch to Club Central by clicking your name after logging in
  3. This will bring you to the Dashboard
  4. Click on the Planet icon located in the top right corner
  5. Click on Content management
  6. Click on BizForms
Note: It is recommended that you add BizForms to the Dashboard as it will indicate if there are any new entries submitted in the last 7 days.

This will bring you to the BizForms dashboard where you will be able to see all of the previously created Bizforms that are attached to your site. The dashboard will also display the number of entries that have been submitted for that particular Bizform.
To create a new BizForm 
  • Click on the New Form button at the top left.
Note: Collecting sensitive information using the BizForm is strictly prohibited. Please read the text in red found in the screen shot below.

On the BizForms > New Form screen
  1. Enter in a name for the BizForm in the Form display name field
  2. Click on the Save button.

This will bring you to the Form Builder screen to begin designing your Form.
There are two ways to build your form. You can switch between either method at any time to make modifications and the fields will still be saved between both methods.
  1. Form Builder is the easier method where you can simply click and drag the components
  2. Fields is more for Advanced users that are familiar with building forms and would like to build more complex or customized forms