Uploading Files to Media Libraries
The following file types can be uploaded to the Media Library folders:
Web Related
To upload a file or Image to a Media Library folder, follow these steps:
- Log in to the club's ClubHouse Online website with an Administrator user account and access Club Central.
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Content Management > Media Libraries from the Applications list.
- Click on the pencil icon next to the Media Library to be accessed.
- Select the folder to upload a file or image or to create a new folder, follow these steps:
- Click on the + symbol (New Folder) at the top of the page.
- Enter in a name for the folder.
- Click on the Save & Close button to save the new folder.
- Click on the Upload button to upload the file or image to the folder.

- From the explorer window of your computer/network, select the file to be uploaded.
- It is recommended that images be edited, cropped, renamed and sized prior to it being uploaded into the Media Library.
- Max individual file size 25 MB.
- Click on the Open button to begin the upload.

Once the upload is completed, the file will now be listed among the files within that folder. If the file uploaded was an image, click on the pencil icon next to the image to find edit image options. Please go to the top of this page and select Editing Images button for more information.
Note: The editing tools within the ClubHouse Online website are limited. For more image editing options, consider editing the image prior to uploading it into the media library.
Moving Files within a Media Library
Within Media Libraries, folders and files can be copied, moved and deleted at the discretion of the Administrator of the club's website.
Note: If the file being moved has already been inserted or linked to a page, the path/location of that file will be altered once it has been moved. This will cause a hyperlink to display an error when clicked and will cause an image to display either a red 'x' or broken image icon. After a file is moved within the Media Libraries, administrators should go to any affected pages and have the hyperlinks re-created and any images re-inserted.
An entire folder including the files can be moved to another folder, or a single file can be moved to another folder on its own by following these steps:
Moving Folders to a new Location
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Content Management > Media Libraries from the Applications list.
- Click on the pencil icon next to the Media Library to be accessed.
- Click on folder name to be moved (i.e. Banquets (1))
- Click on a page with an arrow pointing right icon (Move Folder) at the top of the page.

This will display the
Move Folder window
- From within the Move Folder window, click on folder name (Contact Us) to move the previously selected folder in to it. If the folder selected had files, those would be moved as well.
- Click on Move button at the bottom.

For this example, the Banquets (1) Folder will now have been moved into the Contact Us (3) Folder.
Move Files to Another Folder
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Content Management > Media Libraries from the Applications list.
- Click on the pencil icon next to the Media Library to be accessed.
- Click on folder name to be moved (i.e. Banquets (1)).
- On the right, files saved in this folder will display.
- Select the checkbox(es) beside the name of the file(s) to be moved.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the list of files, select the following actions:
- Selected Files drop-down box.
- (select an action) drop-down box - Select Move.
- Click on the OK button to initiate the Move.
Note: If the
Selected files drop-down box is not being displayed, on the right by the vertical scroll bars, click on the tiny white triangle pointing down to expand the top half of the screen.

This will display the
Move Files window.
- From within the Move Files window, click on a folder name to move file(s) into (i.e. Contact Us)
- Click on the Move button at the bottom to move the files.

For this Example, the Contact Us Folder now indicates Contact Us (4) because the banquets.jpg image was moved from the Banquet folder. Also, notice that it now indicates that the Banquets folder contains (0) instead of containing (1).

Copying Files within a Media Library
Within Media Libraries, an entire folder including the files can be copied to another folder, or a single file can be copied to another folder on its own.
Copying a Folder
To copy a folder, complete the following steps:
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Content Management > Media Libraries from the Applications list.
- Click on the pencil icon next to the Media Library to be accessed.
- Click on folder name to be copied (i.e. Banquets (1)).
- Click on the two pages stacked on top of each other icon (Copy Folder) at the top of the page.

This will display the
Copy Folder window
- From within the Copy Folder window, click on folder name (button_images) to copy the previously selected folder in to.
Note: All files that existed in the folder at the time the copy was initiated will be copied along with the folder itself.
- Click on the Copy button at the bottom.

In this example, there is now a copy of the Banquets folder within the button_images folder.
Copying Files to Another Folder
To copy files from one folder to another, follow these steps:
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Content Management > Media Libraries from the Applications list.
- Click on the pencil icon next to the Media Library to be accessed.
- Click on folder name where file(s) to copy are located. (i.e. Banquets (1)).
- On the right, files saved in this folder will display.
- Select the checkbox(es) beside the name of the file(s) to be copied.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the list of files, select the following actions:
- Selected Files drop-down box.
- (select an action) drop-down box - Select Copy.
- Click on the OK button to initiate the Copy.
Note: If the
Selected files drop-down box is not being displayed, on the right by the vertical scroll bars, click on the tiny white triangle pointing down to expand the top half of the screen.

This will display the
Copy Files window.
- Click on a folder name to copy file into (i.e. banner_images).
- Click on Copy button at the bottom to copy files.

The Banquet.jpg will be copied from the Banquets folder, into the banner_images folder. The banner_images folder now has 20 photos instead of the 19 that it started out with.

Deleting Files within a Media Library
Keeping the Media Library folders organized and up to date will greatly improve efficiency when locating files and utilizing them within the club's website.
Note: Deleting a file that is in use within the club's site can cause hyperlinks to be broken and images to appear missing. Please ensure that a file or image is not being used on the club's website prior to deleting.
Delete a Folder with all Files
To delete a folder with all the files, follow these steps:
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Content Management > Media Libraries from the Applications list.
- Click on the pencil icon next to the Media Library to be accessed.
- Click on folder name to be delete.
- Click on the red Trash Bin icon (Delete Folder) at the top of the page.
- At the top, the confirmation window will appear, select one of the following:
- Click Cancel if the wrong folder was selected.
- Click OK to complete the deletion of the folder and all the files within it.
The folder, along with all the files in it, will be removed from the Media Library.
Delete a File from a Folder
To delete files located within a folder of a Media Library, follow these steps:
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Content Management > Media Libraries from the Applications list.
- Click on the pencil icon next to the Media Library to be accessed.
- Click on folder name where file(s) to delete are located (i.e. Banquets (1)).
- On the right, files saved in this folder will display.
- To delete an individual file
- Select the checkbox beside the name of the file to be deleted.
- Click on the red Trash Bin icon (Delete).
- At the top, the confirmation window will appear, select one of the following:
- Click Cancel if the wrong file was selected.
- Click OK to complete the deletion process.

- To delete multiple files at once
- Select the checkboxes beside the name of the files to be deleted.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the list of files, select the following actions:
- Selected Files drop-down box.
- (select an action) drop-down box - Select Delete.
- Click on the OK button to initiate the Delete.
- At the top, the confirmation window will appear, select one of the following:
- Click Cancel if the wrong file was selected.
- Click OK to complete the deletion process. If a file was deleted in error, it can be restored. Please go to the top of this page and select Restoring Files button for more information.
The file(s) will be removed from the folder selected from the Media Library.
Restoring Files
In the event that a file was deleted in error, it can be restored as long as the following statements are true:
- The folder from which the file previously resides still exists
- The folder was not deleted at any time
To restore an individual file, follow these steps:
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Content Management > My Recycle Bin from the Applications list.
- Select Objects from the left navigation.
- Select the checkbox beside the name of the file to be restored.
- Click on the arrow turning left icon (Restore)
- At the top, the confirmation window will appear, select one of the following:
- Click Cancel if the wrong file was selected.
- Click OK to complete the restore process.
This will restore the file to its original location.
To restore multiple files to the club's website, follow these steps:
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Content Management > My Recycle Bin from the Applications list.
- Select Objects from the left navigation.
- Select the checkboxes beside the name of the files to be restored
- Scroll down to the bottom of the list of files, the following action should already be defaulted:
- Selected Objects
- Restore.
- Click on the OK button to initiate the action.
- At the top, the confirmation window will appear, select one of the following:
- Click Cancel if the wrong file was selected.
- Click OK to complete the restore process.

Editing Images within a Media Library
The Media Libraries found within the ClubHouse Online website, not only provides the ability to store all images that are used within the website, but it also allows the images to be edited with their own exclusive tools.
To edit images, follow these steps:
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Content Management > Media Libraries from the Applications list.
- Click on the pencil icon next to the Media Library to be accessed.
- Click on folder name where image(s) to edit are located.
- On the right, images saved in this folder will display.
- Click on the pencil icon (Edit) next to the image to edit.
This will display the
Edit Image window. From here the following alterations could be made to the image: Resize, Rotation, Convert, Crop, Color and Properties.
Resizing Images
For website purposes images that are stored on the club's website should not be larger than 1900 pixels in width. This will prevent excessive loading times and due to large image sizes. In order to ensure images don't exceed these dimensions, the image editor tool provides the ability to Resize the images.
The first option displayed, will be to resize the selected image.

To resize the image, choose one of the listed methods:
- By Percentage - Reduce the size of the image based on a percentage of the original dimensions.
- By Absolute Size - Reduce the size of the image based on the dimensions in pixels.
- The aspect ratio will automatically adjust when either of the dimensions (Width or Height) is modified. To set a custom Width and Height, un-check the Maintain ratio option.
- Adjust the value listed in the fields and click OK to observe the altered size of the image.
- Click on Save and Close at the bottom of the window to save changes.
Note: Resizing an image within the Image Editor tool is a permanent change. Once the Save & Close button has been selected, the image has been permanently altered and cannot be reverted without uploading another copy of the original image.
Rotating an Image
The image editor tool will allow the orientation of an image to be altered after it has been uploaded.

To rotate an image file, follow these steps:
- From the Edit Image window, select the Rotation tab
- ​Select one of the options
- Rotate 90º left
- Rotate 90º right
- Flip horizontally
- Flip vertically
- Click on Save & Close to confirm the changes.
Converting Image
The image editor tool provides the ability to convert image formats. Image formats that are supported for the website include:
Although these image formats are supported, some of these formats are associated with larger file sizes. The recommended file formats for images are PNG and JPG.
To convert an image file, follow these steps:
- From the Edit Image window, select the Convert tab.
- Change the To field to the new file format.
- Click on the OK button.
- Click on Save & Close to confirm the changes.
Cropping Images
When taking pictures with a camera and uploading them, they are often stored in their most raw format or the widest of angles. These may not always be the most optimal images to be displayed on the website. To that effect, the image editor will allow the image to be cropped after it has been uploaded.
To crop an image, follow these steps:
- From the Edit Image window, select the Crop tab.
- Click and drag the cursor over the area of the image to be cropped.
- Expand or shrink the box to the desired size.
- Note: To ensure the image is scaled correctly, check off the Lock Ratio option to have both dimensions adjust accordingly.
- Once satisfied with the area selected, click OK to see the cropped version of the image.
- Click Undo at the bottom left, if the wrong selection was cropped.
- Click on the Save & Close button to confirm the changes
Color Change of Images
The Color option of the image editor allows the images to be converted into a greyscale version (black and white).

To convert an image file to grayscale, follow these steps:
- From the Edit Image window, select the Color tab.
- Click on the Convert to Greyscale button.
- Click Undo at the bottom left, if the wrong selection was cropped.
- Click on the Save & Close button to confirm the changes
Properties of Images
The image editor will list Properties for an image. The information that can be viewed from an image is as follows:
- File Name*
- Title*
- Description*
- Extension
- Size
- Width
- Height
* These Properties can be updated for the image
To edit an image file properties, follow these steps:
- From the Edit Image window, select the Properties tab.
- Place cursor in the respective fields and edit changes
- Click OK to see the changes.
- Click Undo at the bottom left, if the text was entered.
- Click on the Save & Close button to confirm the changes