Create a Responsive Content Page
When you are creating a Responsive Content page you will need to select a page layout.
A page with 1 column.
A page with 2 columns.
A page that displays Upcoming Events and/or Weather.
In order to create a Responsive Content Page you will first need to decide where this page will reside. If you would like the page to be located in your site's main navigation, you will be creating the page in the Root of the Content Tree. If this page is meant to be a sub-heading(child page), you will be creating the page underneath a parent page. These steps will outline how to create a page:
- Within your Content Tree, select where you would like the page to reside:
- To create a page within Root of the Content Tree, select the Root Page which will be labeled with your club's name.
- To create a child page, select the parent page where you will create your page beneath.
- Click on the New(+) button located above the Content Tree
- Select Page (menu item) from the list of available page types
- Enter in the name for your page (i.e. Contact Us)
- Select Use existing page template if it isn't defaulted already
- In left hand pane select the Responsive Templates folder. (you could choose any folder that starts with Responsive as well)
- In right hand pane select your desired Page Layout(one column, two column etc...) :
- Basic Responsive: is a standard page and the most popular option
- Click on the Save button at the top of the screen
Note: Once you have chosen a Page Template and saved the page, you will no longer be able to change the template of that page. In order to select a new Page Template, you will need to delete the existing page and repeat the aforementioned steps to create a new page.
Once you have completed the steps listed above, the new page will appear at the bottom of the Content Tree.
Note: At this point it is highly suggested to set up the
Page Security, which will dictate who is able to view the page prior to adding content.
Create a Mobile Site Page
You have the ability to add content to your club's Mobile Site via Club Central of your website. Members will be able to access this content on your club's Mobile Site by using the Mobile Super Menu.
The two options available for adding Content pages to your club's Mobile Site are, creating a Mobile Content page and Linking an Existing Full Site page.
Creating Mobile Content
Adding Mobile Content to the club’s site is an option to create a completely new page that will only be available within the Mobile optimized section of your website. Follow the steps below in order to create Mobile Content pages.
- Select Mobile from within the Content Tree.
- Click on the New(+) button located above the Content Tree
- Select the Mobile Content page type
- Enter the page name that will display on the Mobile Super Menu.
Note: There are is also an option to enter in a Publish From and a Publish To date if you would like the page to appear on the Mobile Super Menu for a specific time frame. Otherwise the fields are left blank.
- Click on the Save button
The new Mobile Content page will appear at the bottom of the Mobile section on the Content Tree and will also be visible on your Mobile Site within the Mobile Super Menu.
Linking to an Existing Page
The second option to add Mobile Content is to select the Link an existing page option. When linking an existing Full Site page, you are essentially creating a mobile optimized version of that page. Although very convenient, there are some important things to keep in mind when linking an existing document, all of which are covered here. To link to an existing Full Site page, follow the steps below:
- Select Mobile section within the Content Tree.
- Click on the New(+) button located above the Content Tree
- Select the Link an existing page option listed at the bottom of the page type selections.
- A new window will be displayed with the Content Tree on the left.
- From here you will select the page that will be linked to the Mobile Site.
- You will also be provided with the following options:
- Link also all child pages - If the Full Site page you're linking to also has child pages, they can be displayed on the mobile site as well with this option.
- Copy Page Permissions - If you wish for the Mobile page to follow the same security settings as the Full Site version of the page, this feature will allow you to do so.
- Once you are satisfied with your selections, click on the Save button.
Once you have saved the page, You will be able to see the new page appended to the Mobile section in the Content Tree, with an icon indicating it is linked to another page.
If you login to the club's Mobile Site as a member, the linked page will now be visible within the pages to select and will also be optimized for the Mobile Site.

Create a Standard Content Page
In order to create a Standard Content Page you will need to follow these step:
- From the Content Tree select the Root Page which is named after your club
Ex. Selecting the
Clubhouse Online - Training item at the top of the Content Tree is considered the Root Page.
- Click on the New (+) button.
- Select Page (Menu item) from the list of available Page Types.

- Enter in the name for the page.
Note: Leave the 'Use existing page template' option selected.
- From the list of Template folders on the left, select the appropriate folder for the type of template you wish to create.
Ex. Select the
Templates with Selectable Image folder as it contains templates which allow the default banner image to be modified on a per page basis.
- Once you have selected a template folder, select a Template from the list on the right.
Ex. Select the
Two Columns (70/30) with Banner and Webpart and Selectable Image as this Template will divide the page into 2 columns with a 70/30 split. It will also provide Selectable Image option if you wish to modify the default banner image as well as displaying the following Webparts:
- Upcoming Calendar Events
- Weather Forecast
- Upcoming Birthdays
- Once you are satisfied with your selctions, click on the Save button at the top of the screen.
Note: Once you have chosen a Page Template and saved the page, you will no longer be able to change the template of that page. In order to select a new Page Template, You will need to delete the existing page and repeat the aforementioned steps to create a new page.
Upon completion of these steps, the new page will appear at the bottom of the Content Tree and you will now be able to Edit your Content.
Create a Mobile Site Page
You have the ability to add content to your club's Mobile Site via Club Central of your website. Members will be able to access this content on your club's Mobile Site by using the Mobile Super Menu.
The two options available for adding Content pages to your club's Mobile Site are, creating a Mobile Content page and Linking an Existing Full Site page.
Creating Mobile Content
Adding Mobile Content to the club’s site is an option to create a completely new page that will only be available within the Mobile optimized section of your website. Follow the steps below in order to create Mobile Content pages.
- Select Mobile from within the Content Tree.
- Click on the New(+) button located above the Content Tree
- Select the Mobile Content page type
- Enter the page name that will display on the Mobile Super Menu.
Note: There are is also an option to enter in a Publish From and a Publish To date if you would like the page to appear on the Mobile Super Menu for a specific time frame. Otherwise the fields are left blank.
- Click on the Save button.
The new Mobile Content page will appear at the bottom of the Mobile section on the Content Tree and will also be visible on your Mobile Site within the Mobile Super Menu.
Linking to an Existing Page
The second option to add Mobile Content is to select the Link an existing page option. When linking an existing Full Site page, you are essentially creating a mobile optimized version of that page. Although very convenient, there are some important things to keep in mind when linking an existing document, all of which are covered here. To link to an existing Full Site page, follow the steps below:
- Select Mobile section within the Content Tree.
- Click on the New(+) button located above the Content Tree
- Select the Link an existing page option listed at the bottom of the page type selections.
This will display the 'Link page' window with the Content Tree listed on the left.
- From the 'Link page' window, select the page from the Content Tree that will be linked and choose the following options:
- Link also all child pages - If the Full Site page you're linking to also has child pages, they can be displayed on the mobile site as well with this option.
- Copy Page Permissions - If you wish for the Mobile page to follow the same security settings as the Full Site version of the page, this feature will allow you to do so.
- Once you are satisfied with your selections, click on the Save button.
Upon completion of these steps, you will be able to see the new page appended to the Mobile section within the Content Tree. An icon will be displayed next to the status of the page indicating it is linked to another page.
If you login to the club's Mobile Site as a member, the linked page will now be visible within the pages to select and will also be optimized for the Mobile Site.