User Lockout
User Account Security consists of the Member and Administrator user lockout parameters. This will allow Administrators to determine what action should be taken if a user unsuccessfully attempts to authenticate.
The Account Security section can be accessed by navigating to the following menus within Club Central:
Company Management -> Login Configuration -> Account Security
Configuring the User Lockout Feature
Account Security section is divided into two user types, Administrators and Members. Within this section the following parameters can be configured:
Unsuccessful Login Attempts Before Locking User
This parameter will dictate how many unsuccessful attempts will be allowed prior to locking out the user account. This parameter has a minimum number of attempts of 1 and a maximum of 15. The recommended value is between 3 – 5 attempts.
Note: If this value is set to No Limit, the user will never be locked out.
Lockout Duration (in minutes)
This parameter will dictate the number of minutes before the user lockout expires automatically.
Note: Either the user or an Administrator can end the lockout respectively. See instructions listed below.
User Perspective
When a user reaches the designated number of unsuccessful attempts, they will observe the following error message:
“This account has been locked out of the system. Please contact your administrator”

The user account will remain locked for the duration designated in the
Account Security section. A user can choose to reset their password to end the lockout immediately or can wait for the lockout to expire based on the lock duration that has been set.
Administrative Options
An Administrator has the ability to end the account lock out of a user immediately by following these steps:
- Within Club Central, navigate to the Users module.
- Search for the member’s user account and click on the pencil icon to edit their profile.
- From the user’s profile General tab, click on the Reset Account Lockout button.

Once the account has been unlocked, a prompt will be displayed stating:
“User account has been unlocked.”
The member can now attempt to login with their previous password if they are still aware of what it is.
Note: If the Reset Account Lockout button is not visible within the user’s profile, then the user is no longer locked out.