Configuring Provisioning Settings
The Provisioning Settings found in the Company Management section, dictates how the member registration process will occur on the club's website.
- Log in to the club's ClubHouse Online website with an Administrator user account and access Club Central.
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Modules > Company Management from the Applications list or select Company Management application tile from the Dashboard.

- Select Provisioning Settings from the left navigation and the configuration options will be displayed.
The following items can be configured.
Main Settings
Allow Self Registration
Note: This section is only applicable for clubs that have a Non-Responsive or Responsive ClubHouse Online website. This can be determined by looking in the top left corner beside the planet icon. After the club's name will be some letters, NR = Non-Responsive, R = Responsive and W= Widget.

For Non-Responsive or Responsive ClubHouse Online website
Allow Self Registration
- Checked - Member Registration link will be visible on the Login page.
- Unchecked - Member Registration link will be hidden on the Login page. Members will have to contact club administrator to assist with registration or club has members registering on a third-party site and using Single Sign-On (SSO) method to access information on the ClubHouse Online website.
- The link will be labelled as Member Registration and cannot be changed.
For Widget ClubHouse Online website
This has to be enabled from the Login page.
- Log in to the club's ClubHouse Online website with an Administrator user account and access Club Central.
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Content Management > Pages from the Applications list.
- On the left, from the content tree, select Login page.
- On the right, scroll down to find and click gear icon beside Login form with Fullscreen Background – Extra Large.
- Select Configure.

- In the Login properties dialog box, scroll down.
- Show Member Registration:
- Checked - Member Registration link will be visible on the Login page.
- Unchecked - Member Registration link will be hidden on the Login page. Members will have to contact club administrator to assist with registration or club has members registering on a third-party site and using Single Sign-On (SSO) method to access information on the ClubHouse Online website.
- The link will be labelled as Member Registration and cannot be changed.
- Click Save and Close.
- At the top of the page, click Save and the publish button will appear.
- Click Publish for users to see updated changes.
Allow Public Users to Register
This is normally enabled for club using the Online Public Tee Times module.
- Checked - Register button will be visible on the Public Tee Times tee sheet prior to a user making a booking.
- Unchecked - Register button will be hidden on the public tee times tee sheet. Users will have to contact a club administrator to assist with registering a public user before they could login to make a Public Tee Time booking.
Use CAPTCHA when registering public users
CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer. This prevents companies from signing up to post spam in forums, etc. This option is only available when Allow pubic Users to Register has been enabled.
- Checked - Public users will have to enter a unique code to complete the registration.
- Unchecked - A unique code will not be required to complete the registration for public users.
New User Registration Email Message Customization
When a member registers to the ClubHouse Online website, they will be sent a new user registration email to the email address that they have chosen to associate with their User account. The default message will include the new User Name that they created. Using the Content Editor provided in this section, a custom Registration Email Message can be configured for all new registrants.
User Custom Registration Email
- Checked - Information entered in the content editor will be saved and sent to members via email.
- Unchecked - Information entered in the content editor will be not be saved.
Content Editor box
Edit text to customize the new user registration email that is sent when members successfully registering for the ClubHouse Online website.
We suggest the text [UserName] be included in the email. The text [UserName] will be replaced with the User Name the member created when the email is sent.

Mandatory Questions
By default, these questions will be asked of all members when they register for the ClubHouse Online website.
Members must enter this information exactly as it appears in the Club's accounting system in order to validate their membership at the club.

The 3 Mandatory Questions and additional info when members go through the validation process.
Member Number
- Leading zeros or letters must be included, if the club uses them. (Ex: If 35 was entered, it would fail. 0035 or A35 should have been entered.)
- Trailing numbers or letters should be included if it is a spouse or dependent account, if the club uses them. (Ex: If 0035 was entered, it would fail. 0035B or 0035-02 should have been entered)
First Name
- Not case sensitive but must match exactly what is in the accounting system.
- Jonas Club Management System - is matching the Given Name field.
- Encore System - is matching First Name field.
- Some clubs include the middle initial in the Given/First Name field in the accounting system. If the member didn't know to include it in the validation, then it would generate an error (Ex: If John was entered, it would fail. John A. should have been entered.)
- Some clubs create one-member number per family instead of a separate member number for each individual. As a result, both the primary and spouse name is in the Given/First Name field in the accounting system. If the member didn't know to include it in the validation, then it would generate an error. (Ex: If John was entered, it would fail. John and Anne should have been entered.)
Last Name
- Not case sensitive but must match exactly what is in the accounting system.
- Jonas Club Management System - is matching the Surname Name field.
- Encore System - is matching the Last Name field.
- Sometimes a suffix may have been added in the Surname/Last Name field instead of the Given/First Name field. If the member didn't know to include it in the validation, then it would generate an error. (Ex: If Ackerman was entered, it would fail. Ackerman Jr. should have been entered)
Optional Questions
These are additional questions that can be added to the registration process for the purpose of increasing security. Once any of these questions are added to the registration process, they become mandatory questions of all registrants. Remember these are questions to be added as part of the registration validation process and not a request for members to update their information. Make sure the club actually has information in the accounting system for these fields before including them as an optional question.
Select the checkbox beside the available fields to include as an Optional Question. Most clubs do not include any optional questions.
- Home Email
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Profession
- Zip Code/Postal Code
- Home Phone Number
- Mobile Phone Number
- Any Custom Fields uploaded to the Roster (Click here for more information on Uploading Custom Fields)
Sender's Email Address
The email address entered into the Sender's Email Address, is the 'From' address that will appear on the email that is sent to members after they have successfully registered. If a member happens to click reply from the email it will automatically populate as the 'To' email address.
Send Email To Club on Registration
The email address entered here, will be sent a notification email every time a member registers for the website. Instead of getting an email every time, new registered members can be viewed in a table found in the
Users section.
- Checked - A notification email will be sent to the email address entered in the box below this field, every time a member registers for the website. Administrators can also go to the Users section in the ClubHouse Online website to see new registrants.
- Unchecked - A notification email will not be sent. To find out if any new members registered for the website, administrators can go to the Users section in the ClubHouse Online website.