Editing My Personal Info
Editing your Personal Information
When a member navigates to the roster module they will be provide the option to edit their personal Roster Profile. In the top right corner of the page they will see their name alongside an 'Edit' link.

Once the member clicks on the 'Edit' link, they will be brought to the editable version of their Roster Profile. The Roster Profile is seperated into the following areas:
Member Photo
The member's photo will be displayed based on the Roster Configuration settings chosen by the club. If the roster photos are being displayed from the Club's A/R system the member will have the ability to either display or hide their photo within the Roster.

If the club allows the member to upload their own photos, this can be completed by clicking on the 'Change Photo' option located underneath the image placeholder. This will allow the member to select an image stored on their computer.
For member uploaded photos the following requirements will need to be adhered to:
Image Height: 150px
Image Width: 150px
Image Size: 1 Mb or less
A member can choose to hide their photo by clicking on the 'Hide Photo' option locacted underneath the member photo
Primary Contact
The Primary Contact area of a Roster Profile consists of a designated Email address and Phone number for every member. If the Web Site Administrator has chosen to allow this information to be displayed, a member will be able to choose what will be displaye in each field. This information will be visible on the Roster List as well as in the members Roster Profile. The available phone numbers and email addresses displayed in the Primary Contact dropdown fields are sourced from which Addresses and Emails have been made visible in the member's Roster Profile.

Note: If a Phone Number attached to a member's address or an Email has its visibility set to 'Hidden', it will not be an available selection in the Primary Contact area of a member's Roster Profile
Personal Info
Personal Info area of the Roster Profile displays any additional information available for a member. The fields that are listed in this area are not editble, but the member can decide whether this information will be visible or hidden in their Roster Profile.
Any information that you wish to hide from the Roster you will need to click on the 'eye' icon to the right of the field. If they icon appears greyed out with a 'strike' through it, the associated field will be hidden in the Roster Profile. If the icon appears with solid black, the associated field will be visible in the Roster Profile.
Hidden from Roster Profile
Visible in Roster Profile

Address Information
All Address Information for the member will displayed in this area. The address information stored in this area is editable by the member. Any changes made here will require approval by an Administrator prior to the Club's A/R system being updated.

The Emails section of the Roster Profile will display all emails that are attached to a member address. To edit an email address, click on the e-mail you wish to edit and update the information. Once you are satisfied, hit the save button next to the Roster Photo.This update will require Administrator appoval prior to being updated on the website and in the back office A/R system.
One of the email addressess listed in this section, can also be display in the Primary Contact area of your Roster Profile. In order for the emails to be listed as choices in the Primary Contact area, they will need to have their visibility status set 'Show'. Any emails that have their visibility set to 'Hide' will not be availble in the Primary Contact area.
In order to set the visibilty status to 'Show' click on the 'eyeball' icon until it is solid black and then click on Save next to the Roster photo. This will allow your e-mail address to be displayed in your Roster Profile to other members. To 'Hide' the email address within your Roster Profile, click on the 'eyeball' icon until it turns grey with a slash through it.

Additional Information
The Additional Info section of the Roster profile contains any unique information for the member that is not associated with their primary contact information. All of the information found in this section is editable by the member but a portion of the information may require approval by and Administrator before it is updated online. Any fields found under the 'Changes Require Approval' section will need to be approved by an Administrator prior to being updated in the the Roster. All other fields in this section will appear under the 'Changes Do Not Require Approval' and will be updated in the Roster immediately after saving.

Club Contact Info
If a member has registered for the website, all of the information pertaining to their User account will be listed here. This information is not visible to other members viewing a Roster Profile. The only field that is editable in this section is the User Email.
Note: This email address is not synchronized with the club's A/R system and is only utilzed for website notification/confirmation emails.

The Settings section of the Roster profile contains the pivacy options of each member. From here a member can choose to hide themselves from various areas of the website including Roster, Tee Times, Event Attendance lists, and Court Bookings. In order for a member to hide themselves from a specific area of the website they will need to click on the switch next to the corresponding area and it will slide to the right when enabled.
Hidden in a Module

Visible in a Module