Rollover Settings
The Statement Rollover option pertains to when, unbilled statement charges for the current month will become visually 'finalized' and billed for members. The goal is to notify members, when a statement is final and ready to be paid for online.
There are two rollover options for clubs:
Automated Statement Rollover
The Statement module will automatically set current/unbilled Statement charges to billed based on a number of days after the statement period is over.
To setup Automated Statement Rollover, follow these steps:
- Select the Automated Statement Rollover checkbox.
- Set the number of days the unbilled charges, of the current month, to become finalized and displayed as billed charges.
- Click on the Save button at the top of the page
Note: The number of days chosen, starts from the last day of the A/R configured statement period. For example, if the number of days is set to 5, this means the statement will automatically rollover to the billed section on the 5th of every month.
Manual Statement Rollover
An Administrator will need to navigate to this Configuration settings page and manually finalize the statement period each month, to finalize any current/unbilled statement charges so that they will be displayed as billed.
To Finalize the charges in a month, follow these steps:
- Automated Statement Rollover checkbox should be unchecked.
- Click on the Finalize button found next to the month that is ready to become finalized and displayed as billed charges.
- Click on Save button at the top of the page
A member's statement will reflect the changes within 5 - 10 minutes of this change.
Note: Once the Finalize button has been clicked the charges that are now displaying as billed cannot be reversed.
The Rollover Settings section will be displayed as follows:

General Settings

Show Unbilled Statements
The Account Summary tab of Online statements has the option of displaying both unbilled and billed statements. This option determines whether or not the current month's unbilled charges is available to be viewed by members on the website.
Show Unbilled Statements
- Checked: Member will be able to see transactions made within the month before statement period is over and finalized.
- Unchecked: Members will not have access to the current statement or unbilled information within the Account Summary or Statement Period tab until the statement rollover date or manually finalized.
Hide Current Balance
The Account Summary tab of Online Statements has the option of displaying the Current Balance at the top. This option allows a Club to hide the current balance from the top. Especially useful to clubs that rely more on the Levy than they do on the Account Balance, since the Current Balance is largely irrelevant. This flag is only available if the club has opted to Show Unbilled Statements, since the Current Balance is only displayed when Unbilled Statements are shown.
Hide Current Balance
- Checked: Current Balance will be hidden. If the club is also using the Account Summary Widget, remember to select the checkbox for Hide Current Statement Balance in the widget as well.
- Unchecked: Current Balance will be displayed.

Hide Balance Due
The Account Summary tab of Online Statements has the option of displaying the Balance Due at the top. This option allows a Club to hide the balance due from the top. Balance Due, reflects payments made against the member's account in the current statement period.
Hide Balance Due
- Checked: Balance Due will be hidden from the Account Summary tab.
- Unchecked: Balance Due will be displayed in the Account Summary tab.
Display Minimums
Minimums can be displayed in both the Account Summary and Statement Period tab of the Online Statements. This option determines whether or not the Minimums section of the statement details should be displayed anywhere in the Online statements. Minimums will only display to members who have minimum plans in place, even if this option is checked.
Display Minimums
- Checked: Minimums will be displayed in both the Account Summary and Statement Period tabs.
- Unchecked: Minimum will be not be displayed anywhere in the online statements.

Display Extra Statement Data
Extra Statement Data can be displayed in Statement Period tab of the Online Statements. The Extra Statement Data pertains to statement details such as Aging information. This data may be different for each club, as it depends on the club's A/R System configuration.
Display Extra Statement Data
- Checked: Aging information will be displayed in Statement Period tab, for months in the past.
- Unchecked: Aging information will be not be displayed anywhere in the online statements.
Display Totals
Totals can be displayed in the Statement Period tab of the Online Statements. This option determines whether or not totals for the Amount, Service Charges and Taxes column on the statement will be displayed within a Statement Period.
Display Totals
- Checked: Totals will be calculated and displayed for Amount, Service Charges and Taxes column.
- Unchecked: Totals will be hidden for Amount, Service Charges and Taxes column.

Allows Dependents to View Statements
Statements are usually set up for a family to receive one statement every month, even if they have a separate member number. In this case, when their member number is being billed to another person they are referred to as dependents regardless if they are a spouse/child/guest. This option allows the club to decide if they want anyone other than the primary member to view the statements online. Once enabled, the primary member could also specify which dependents/relatives should have access, by using the Edit My Personal Info screen within the Roster.

Note: When dependents view statements online, they are viewing transactions for all members with the same 'bill to' number set up from the A/R system. It's not possible to only view transactions that they made, unless they are set up with their own 'bill to' number.
Allows Dependents to View Statements
- Checked: Primary member can view statements online and has access to grant dependent/relatives access to view statements online. Only applicable to clubs that have the Roster module, otherwise Administrators could assist member in granting access.
- Unchecked: Only primary member can view statements online.
Allow All Dependents to View Statements by Default
This option will only be available if Allows Dependents to View Statements has been enabled. Instead of having the primary member or administrator grant access manually to the dependents using the Edit My Personal Info screen within the Roster, they can all be granted access to start with by default. By enabling this option, all relatives of a primary member will be able to view the statement information that will include charges from any members that are using the same 'bill to' number.
Allow All Dependents to View Statements by Default
- Checked: All members with the same bill to number will have access to view the statements online by default.
- Unchecked: Only primary member can view statements online by default.
Primary member still has access to grant/remove dependent/relatives' ability to view statements online at anytime. Only applicable to clubs that have the Roster module, otherwise Administrators could assist member in granting access.
Group Statements by Resource/Business Area
When viewing a statement in the Statement Period tab, this option could be used to determine how the transactions will be displayed in chronological order or grouped by resources/business area.
Group Statements by Resource/Business Area
- Checked: If the club has set up in their A/R system to group statements by resources/business area, the same view can be applied on the website when members view their online statement.
- Unchecked: Statement transactions will be displayed in chronological order from the 1st to the end of the month.
Accounting Email
Contact Accounting button is set up and displayed in all the tabs within the Online Statements module. When a member clicks on the Contact Accounting button, it will send an email to the address entered in this field.
Accounting Email - Enter email address to be pre-populated in the
To field when members are contacting the club. More than one email address could be entered. Use a comma to separate the email addresses.
Example: [email protected],
[email protected]
Landing Page
Select the default page members should view first when accessing the Statements module:
- Account Summary - This page provides members with a consolidated view of their account at the club. Up to 12 months of previous statements are available.
- Last Billed Statement - This page displays the online statement for the most recently completed statement period.
- Current Statement - This page displays the current unbilled statement. This option is only available if Show Unbilled Statements has been enabled.
Chit Theme
Select the display theme (layout, color etc.) for the Chit display.
Min. Display Name
Choose whether the Minimum Plan Name or its Description are used to identify the Minimum(s) assigned to members. By default, Minimum Plan Name is used.
Payment Integration
Payment Integration will allow members to submit payments to your club via an online Payment Service.
Enabling this option will add a 'PayNow' button to Online Statements. This button will open a new tab in your browser and navigate to the URL that has been designated.
Note: Any Payment Service configured here will be separate from your website and does not directly integrate with your A/R system. Your members will be required to login to a separate Payment Service website in order to submit online payments to your club.
Additional Info Settings
The Additional Info Settings will allow members to see their Credit Book Balances online as well as Loyalty Balances if they are available in the club's A/R System. Enabling either of these options will add an additional tab and the label for the tab could be edited in the Statements > Customization - Credit Book Tab Label section.

Levy Settings
This section will only display data if the club's A/R system is configured with a Levy Module. Enabling the Levy Statement feature will allow members to view statements of their Levy Transactions, an additional tab in the member's statement labeled 'Levy' will be displayed. The label for the tab could be edited in the Statements > Customization - Levy Tab Label section.
Display Levy Statement
- Checked: An additional tab in the member's statement labeled 'Levy' will be displayed. All active Levy Statements for members will be displayed by default Enabling the Levy Statement feature will allow members to view statements of their Levy Transactions.
- Unchecked: Levy tab will be hidden.
Show Dependent Levy Purses
- Checked: Levy Purses for all members with the same bill to number will be displayed within the Levy tab.
- Unchecked: Only displays the levy purse for the member within the Levy tab.
**In order to utilize this new feature, clubs will need to update to a JCM version higher than 2024.0009 and have been deployed the latest CHO Integration bundle.
Display Inactive Levy Purses
- Checked: Inactive Levy Purses will be displayed with the active Levy Statements.
- Unchecked: Only the active Levy Statements for members will be displayed
Select Levy Period
The default instructional heading for the Levy Statements is 'Select Levy Period' this text can be edited with a different message.
Display Total Levy Balance
This will provide the Total Levies Balance Value for each month.
- Checked:
- Total Levy Balance could be displayed in Account Summary tab if the Display Total Levy Balance on Account Summary option is enabled.
- Total Levy Balance could be displayed in Account Summary Widget, provided Display total Levy balance is enabled within the widget, it will display the total levy on the page it has been added to.
- Unchecked: Total Levy Balance will not be displayed in the Account Summary Widget.
Display Total Levy Balance on Account Summary
- Checked: Total Levy Balance will display below the Current Balance and/or Balance Due on the Account Summary tab.
- Unchecked: Total Levy Balance will be hidden on the Account Summary Tab.