Viewing the Court Scheduler
In order for a member to complete a Court Booking, they will need to access the Court Scheduler to view the available time slots. The Court Scheduler page is generated based on the parameters that have been configured in Activity Management/Encore. The Court Scheduler will display the following information to your members:
Court Type
Configured in Activity Management/Encore as Activity Types, the Court Types that are configured in Activity Management/Encore are what will be available for booking. When a member clicks on a particular Court Type, they will see all the available Courts (Facilities) that are available and the Booking Length available time slots that are associated with them.
The Calendar will allow your members the ability to see more than just a few days ahead, but will allow them to see all the days in a given month. Selecting a day in the Calendar will display what is available on the Court Scheduler as well as reset the days slider above the calendar.

Booking Length
When you members are selecting an available time slot on the Court Scheduler page, this area is dictated by the Booking Length that has been set. The Booking Length options for your members are located to the right of the Court Type drop-down. The options visible here are dictated by the Minimum and Maximum time slots configured within the Court Type.

Note: If your club is using fixed length times, the Booking Length option will not display as a selection.
Times to Display
When viewing what time are available for the day, the drop-down will have the following options:
- Only Show Available - Display any available times for the entire day.
- All Times - Display all times that include what is available and booked reservations.
- Morning - Times that show from when your court first opens to 11am start time.
- Afternoon - Start Times between 11am - 5pm.
- Evening - Start Times between 5pm and later.
Note: All Times is the only option that will display all the details and show names of members that are already booked. To allow the names of members to be displayed, See the setup in your Court Management > Settings in Club Central.
Courts (Facilities)
Each Court Type is associated with a number of Courts Facilities within Activity Management/Encore. From the Court Scheduler page, clicking on a particular Court Type will display all the Court Facilities associated with it. These Courts are what your members will book and where they are going to play.

If your club contains more than 6 court options to book from, An arrow will display for your members view additional courts to make reservations. Below is an example of a display showing more than 6 court options.
When you click on the arrow on the right side of the last court displayed, you will see the additional court options.
Note: As Administrator, all Courts will be listed as Unavailable. Only members are able to complete bookings from the Court Scheduler page.