Configuring Jonas Tee Time Settings
There are a number of options within Tee Time Management that have an impact on the Online Tee Time Reservation system.
Online Tee Sheet Schedules
In the Jonas Tee Time Management system, clubs have the ability to control when a Tee Sheet becomes available online. Tee Sheets can be opened well in advance and, at times, for an entire season. With this in mind, the Online Reservation schedule can restrict the number of days in advance a tee sheet is opened on a day-to-day basis. Navigate to Tee Time Management > Files > Golf Courses, choose a course and to the right side of the menu select 'Online Schedules'.
Setting Up a New Schedule
Note: These restrictions are made on a day of the week basis and will be applied to all newly opened Tee Sheets on the corresponding day.
- Click Enter to create a new schedule. To edit a previously created schedule, click on the magnifying glass icon or press F2. Enter the description of the schedule (you can have multiple schedules for one course).
- To establish the Tee Sheet restrictions, check on a day to impose a restriction. By leaving a day unchecked, it will open according to the schedule established within Jonas Tee Time Management.
- Establish the point in time before the tee sheet date at which you would like to open the online tee sheet by entering the number of days in advance and time of day at which you would like it to open. For example, if we wanted to ensure a Tee Sheet is closed until the week before at 5:00 p.m., we would specify seven days prior at 5:00 p.m. If we wanted to ensure that weekend Tee Sheets are not open online until Thursday at 8:00 p.m., we would specify two days for Saturday, three days for Sunday both at 8:00 a.m.
Clubs can set an Online Schedule override for one particular sheet, in the event where the club does not want the tee sheet to be available online at all or if the tee sheet should be available before the schedule is set to make it available.
- Enter Tee Time Management > Processing > Tee Sheet Maintenance.
- Open a particular sheet by choosing a course and a date.
- Select Online Options to the right. The default is no override, select ‘override in effect’ and choose whether the tee sheet should not be available online, or available at a certain date and time. i.e., set today’s date and current time if the tee sheet should be available now.
Calendar Restrictions
Calendar Restrictions allow the Club to setup multiple restrictions on, one per season, month to month, or split month range basis. Click on ‘Calendar Restrictions’ to put it into effect for this particular Tee Sheet Schedule. Using the month drop downs, select a month range you would want to enforce these restrictions. You can also enforce these restrictions on two ranges within a year.

Online Options
​Navigate to Tee Time Management -> Files -> Golf Courses -> Online Options
- Golf Course Not Available To Online Users
- Assign Golf Carts to Tee Time Reservations (Golf Cart Inventory)
- Tee Time Exclusivity In Effect For Online Users
- Override Reservation Classification
- Override Reservation Source
- Golfer Classification for Public Reservations
Identifying Online Reservations on The Tee Sheet Using Icons
When looking at the Tee Sheet in Jonas, reservations can be identified using icons to distinguish those reservations booked online from those booked in Jonas Tee Time Management.
Navigate to
Tee Time Management -> Files -> System Profile -> Tee Sheet. Within the
Other Display Options, check Highlight Reservation Entry Club and Internet:
Tee Time Display Restrictions
Clubs have the ability to restrict specific tee times within the tee sheet with respect to online usage. Four scenarios exist, they are as follows:
- Displayed To Online Users
- Not Displayed to Online Users
- ClubHouse Online Users Only
- Displayed to Third Party Users Only (e.g., GolfSwitch, Cypress Golf)
Additionally, you can specify to whom, among online users, the tee times will be displayed. Members, Public Users, and Reciprocal Network users can be set to Yes or No.
Restrictions can be implemented with respect to open tee sheets or tee sheet templates. In order to do so, navigate to the Starting Times option and double click on a time to access the Tee Sheet Maintenance Starting Times/Tee Sheet Template Maintenance Starting Times menu (depends on whether you’re editing an open tee sheet or a tee sheet template). Within this menu, you can restrict the online display for each bank by utilizing the Online Display dropdown and selecting the restriction you wish to employ.