How to Create a Page
- Log in to the club's ClubHouse Online website with an Administrator user account and access Club Central.
- From within Club Central, click Planet icon (Open Application List) at the top left.
- Select Content Management > Pages from the Applications list.
- On the left, a list of pages will be displayed, this is referred to as the Content Tree.
- On the right, is where the widget zones and widgets will found to manage the content that is found on a page.
Content Tree
The Content Tree will list all the pages that can be found on the club's website, some pages could be hidden, but they are required for the website to function properly.
- The first item found in the content tree will always be the Club Name, this is referred to as the Root page.
- After that a paper icon is usually found just under the Club Name and indented, this is referred to as a Parent page
- If a parent page has a plus sign to the left of the page name, this indicates that the parent page has sub-pages. Click the + plus sign beside the parent page. This will usually show a paper icon that will be indented further, this is referred to as a Child page.
- If the website is built with more sub-pages the additional levels could be referred to as Grand Child and Great Grand Child pages respectively.
The order of the items in the
Content Tree are organized from the top-down, this will display on the website navigation menu from left to right.
What the Content Tree will display, if the site was built with sub-pages.

This is what it will look like on the live site, using the content tree in the image above. When a parent page is hovered over, child pages will display underneath, from there if the child page has a grand child page it will display to the right of the child page. If there is more content under the grand child page, hovering over the grand child page will reveal the great grand child page.
To properly set up a page the following items should be completed.
- Create a page - Decide where the page should be found on the website and layout, using the Content Tree.
- Configure page security - Who is allowed to view the page.
- Add Widget(s) to a page - How content should be displayed on a page.
Create a New Page
Decide where the page should be found on the website. Pages can easily be moved within the content tree at anytime if the design changes.
For the page to display in the main navigation (parent page), the root level of the content tree should be selected. If the page should be found as a sub-page (child page), a parent page in the content tree should be selected.
- Within the Content Tree, select where the page should be created under.
- To create a parent page - select the Root Page labeled with the club's name.
- To create a sub-page (Child/Grand Child page etc...) - Click the plus sign beside a parent/child/grand child page to expand the content tree and select the page.
- Click on the New (+) button located above the Content Tree.
- Select Page (menu item) from the list of available page types.

- Page name: Enter a name for the page (Ex. Contact Us).
- Select Use existing page template if it isn't defaulted already.
- Select a template in the right pane to determine the page layout. Example 1 column = page with 1 column, 2 columns 70/30 = page with 2 columns - left column 70% right column 30%
- Click Save button at the top of the screen

Note: Once a Page Template has been selected and saved, the page template cannot be changed. To select a new Page Template, delete the existing page and start again using the Create a New Page steps.
The new page will appear at the bottom of the Content Tree. The page can be moved in the content tree with a simple click and drag.
With the new page created it is important to determine who has access to view the page, this is done by
Configuring the page security
Content can be added to the page using widgets, for details see
How to Configure a Widget.