Creating a Text Hyperlink
The majority of Hyperlinks that are found on a website, are Text Hyperlinks. These types of links will allow a visitor to your website to click on a word, a sentence, or even a paragraph, and be immediately directed to additional content.
In order to create a Text Hyperlink you will need to follow these steps:
- While in the Edit Mode of a page, click on the Content Area.
- Enter in the text you wish to used for the Hyperlink.
- Highlight some or all of the text you wish to use for the Hyperlink.
- Click on the Insert/Edit Link button located underneath the Source button.
This will bring up the Insert Link window where you will choose one of the five options for creating your Hyperlink.
Creating a Hyperlink to a Content Page
Rather than having the same content listed on several pages or instructing your visitors to navigate to an alternate page on your site, Creating a Hyperlink to a Content Page will allow your visitors to be directly transported to the content you wish them to view.
In order to Create a Hyperlink to a Content Page, you will need to follow these steps:
- Click on Content tab at the top of the Insert Link window, to open up the Content Tree of your website.
- Select the page from the Content Tree you wish to link to.
Note: Do not change the Protocol and URL listed under the General tab as they are auto-populated.
Optional Link Parameters
The following set parameters can be configured for a hyperlink but are not required for it to function on your website. The Target settings will allow you to configure how the destination of your link will be displayed on your site. The Advanced settings will allow you to configure additional display features for the link. These features include adding tooltips and having the link displayed as a button.
Target Settings »
Select the Target tab to the right of the Content Tree and select from the following options:
- (not set) - This is the default setting which will open the link in the same browser window or tab as the current page.
- (frame) - This option will open the link in the frame specified in the Target frame name field
- New window (_blank) - Opens the link in a new browser window.
- Same window (_self) - This option will open the link in the same browser window or tab as the current page.
- Parent window (_parent) - This option will open the link in the browser window the current document is nested in.
- Topmost window (_top) - This option will open the link in the browser window that is positioned on the top.
If you are more Advanced HTML user click on the Advanced tab to edit HTML link settings:
- ID - This option is to state the identifier of the link HTML element
- Name - This field is to state the name of link HTML object
- Tooltip - This field is to specify text that will be displayed when you hover over the link.
- Class - This field is to specify the link element CSS class.
- Style - This field is to specify the additional link element styles
- Button Styling - Activating this option will allow you to convert a link into a button on your page.
These buttons have a default styling setup for them but can be customized for your site. If you would like to change the styling of this button please click here to submit your request
- Once you are satisfied with the parameters configured, click on Save and Close to create your link.
- Once you have completed these steps, This is what your hyperlink will look like.
For more details,
visit our Golf Page.
Creating a Hyperlink to a File
If there is content you are unable to display on a page, such as a PDF document, a spreadsheet or a text document, a link can be created to the file that is stored in your Media Library.
In order to Create a Hyperlink to a File, you will need to follow these steps:
- Click on Media Libraries tab at the top of the Insert Link window, to open up your Media Libraries.
- Select the folder where your file is stored.
- From the list of files that reside in the folder selected, select the file you wish to link to.
- If the file is not currently located in your Media Library, click on the Upload button
- From the explorer window select the file you wish to upload and click Open
Optional Link Parameters
The following set parameters can be configured for a hyperlink but are not required for it to function on your website. The Target settings will allow you to configure how the destination of your link will be displayed on your site. The Advanced settings will allow you to configure additional display features for the link. These features include adding tooltips and having the link displayed as a button.
Target Settings »
Select the Target tab to the right of the Content Tree and select from the following options:
- (not set) - This is the default setting which will open the link in the same browser window or tab as the current page.
- (frame) - This option will open the link in the frame specified in the Target frame name field
- New window (_blank) - Opens the link in a new browser window.
- Same window (_self) - This option will open the link in the same browser window or tab as the current page.
- Parent window (_parent) - This option will open the link in the browser window the current document is nested in.
- Topmost window (_top) - This option will open the link in the browser window that is positioned on the top.
Advanced Settings »
If you are more Advanced HTML user click on the Advanced tab to edit HTML link settings:
- ID - This option is to state the identifier of the link HTML element
- Name - This field is to state the name of link HTML object
- Tooltip - This field is to specify text that will be displayed when you hover over the link.
- Class - This field is to specify the link element CSS class.
- Style - This field is to specify the additional link element styles
- Button Styling - Activating this option will allow you to convert a link into a button on your page.
These buttons have a default styling setup for them but can be customized for your site. If you would like to change the styling of this button please click here to submit your request
- Once you are satisfied with the parameters of the link, click on Save & Close to create the link.
Your link will appear on your page in the area you selected and when clicked on it will display the file that was linked.
Creating a Hyperlink to an External Website
The Hyperlink option will also allow you to create a hyperlink to an alternate website. This can be achieved by clicking on the Web tab from the Insert Link window. In order to create a link to an external website, you will need to follwo these steps:
- From within the Insert Link window, select the Web tab
- Choose one of Protocol options from the drop down list:
- http://
- https://
- ftp://
- news://
- (other)
- Type in or paste in the URL for the external website
- i.e.
Optional Link Parameters
The following set parameters can be configured for a hyperlink but are not required for it to function on your website. The Target settings will allow you to configure how the destination of your link will be displayed on your site. The Advanced settings will allow you to configure additional display features for the link. These features include adding tooltips and having the link displayed as a button.
Target Settings »
Select the Target tab to the right of the Content Tree and select from the following options:
- (not set) - This is the default setting which will open the link in the same browser window or tab as the current page.
- (frame) - This option will open the link in the frame specified in the Target frame name field
- New window (_blank) - Opens the link in a new browser window.
- Same window (_self) - This option will open the link in the same browser window or tab as the current page.
- Parent window (_parent) - This option will open the link in the browser window the current document is nested in.
- Topmost window (_top) - This option will open the link in the browser window that is positioned on the top.
Advanced Settings »
If you are more Advanced HTML user click on the Advanced tab to edit HTML link settings:
- ID - This option is to state the identifier of the link HTML element
- Name - This field is to state the name of link HTML object
- Tooltip - This field is to specify text that will be displayed when you hover over the link.
- Class - This field is to specify the link element CSS class.
- Style - This field is to specify the additional link element styles
- Button Styling - Activating this option will allow you to convert a link into a button on your page.
These buttons have a default styling setup for them but can be customized for your site. If you would like to change the styling of this button please click here to submit your request
- Once you are satisfied withe the parameters that have you have set, click on the Save & Close button.
Creating a Hyperlink to an Anchor
Anchors will allow you to create a bookmark to a specific section of a page on your website. The practical use for anchors within the same page of content, would be a page that has an extremely large volume of content. Rather than requiring the user to scroll through all of the content to find the specific information they are looking for, an anchor will transport them immediately to that section of the page.
In order to create a Hyperlink to an Anchor you will need to first Create an Anchor. In order to create an Anchor you will need to follow these steps:
- Within the page, locate a point on the page where you want to create an anchor and click on it to place your cursor.
- Click on the Anchor button within the Content Editor.
- Under Anchor Properties, enter in the name for the Anchor (i.e. 'Pricing').
- Click on the OK button to confirm the creation of the Anchor.
Once you have created the Anchor, you will now be able to setup the hyperlink to it.
- Highlight the text you wish to link to the Anchor.
- Click on the Link button from the Content Editor
- Select the Anchor tab
- Click on the 'Link to existing anchor with name' option.
- Select the Anchor you wish to link to.
- Click on the Save & Close button to create the link.
Once you have created the link, clicking on the link will automatically transport you to the section of the page where you Anchor exists.
Creating a Hyperlink to an E-mail Address
If you would like to create an opportunity that allows a visitor to a page to send an e-mail to your club, you will need to create a Hyperlink to an e-mail address. Within this hyperlink you will be able specify not only who the e-mail will be sent to, but you will also be able to specify the following:
- CC (Carbon Copy Recipient)
- BCC (Blind Carbon Copy Recipient)
- E-mail Subject Line
- E-mail Body text.
In order to Create a Hyperlink to an E-mail Address you will need to follow these steps:
- Highlight the text you wish to link to an E-mail Address
- Click on the Link button from the Content Editor
- Select the E-mail tab
- Enter in the information you would like to e-mail to be pre-populated with.
- Click on the Save & Close button to create the Hyperlink.
Once you have created the link, any visitor to the page that clicks on the link will have their default E-mail client automatically opened with the information you entered in the link pre-populating the fields.
Creating an Image Hyperlink
Images can also be used to create a hyperlink to additional content. Buttons, icons, or pictures are often used to signify additional content throught a site.
In order to
Create an Image Hyperlink, you will need to follow these steps:
- From within the Content area of a page, click on the image you wish to create the link for.
- Click on the Insert/Edit Link button from the Content Editor.
Note: If you haven't inserted the image yet, click here for instructions on how to do so.

This will bring up the
Insert Link window, where you will be able to choose one of the five options for creating a
Hyperlink to an Image.
Creating a Hyperlink to a Content Page
Rather than having the same content listed on several pages or instructing your visitors to navigate to an alternate page on your site, Creating a Hyperlink to a Content Page will allow your visitors to be directly transported to the content you wish them to view.
In order to Create a Hyperlink to a Content Page, you will need to follow these steps:
- Click on Content tab at the top of the Insert Link window, to open up the Content Tree of your website.
- Select the page from the Content Tree you wish to link to.
Note: Do not change the Protocol and URL listed under the General tab as they are auto-populated.
Optional Link Parameters
The following set parameters can be configured for a hyperlink but are not required for it to function on your website. The Target settings will allow you to configure how the destination of your link will be displayed on your site. The Advanced settings will allow you to configure additional display features for the link. These features include adding tooltips and having the link displayed as a button.
Target Settings »
Select the Target tab to the right of the Content Tree and select from the following options:
- (not set) - This is the default setting which will open the link in the same browser window or tab as the current page.
- (frame) - This option will open the link in the frame specified in the Target frame name field
- New window (_blank) - Opens the link in a new browser window.
- Same window (_self) - This option will open the link in the same browser window or tab as the current page.
- Parent window (_parent) - This option will open the link in the browser window the current document is nested in.
- Topmost window (_top) - This option will open the link in the browser window that is positioned on the top.
Advanced Settings »
If you are more Advanced HTML user click on the Advanced tab to edit HTML link settings:
- ID - This option is to state the identifier of the link HTML element
- Name - This field is to state the name of link HTML object
- Tooltip - This field is to specify text that will be displayed when you hover over the link.
- Class - This field is to specify the link element CSS class.
- Style - This field is to specify the additional link element styles
- Button Styling - Activating this option will allow you to convert a link into a button on your page.
These buttons have a default styling setup for them but can be customized for your site. If you would like to change the styling of this button please click here to submit your request
- Once you are satisfied with the parameters configured, click on Save and Close to create your link.
Once you have completed these steps, This is what your hyperlink will look like.
For more details,
visit our Golf Page.
Creating a Hyperlink to a File
If there is content you are unable to display on a page, such as a PDF document, a spreadsheet or a text document, a link can be created to the file that is stored in your Media Library.
In order to Create a Hyperlink to a File, you will need to follow these steps:
- Click on Media Libraries tab at the top of the Insert Link window, to open up your Media Libraries.
- Select the folder where your file is stored.
- From the list of files that reside in the folder selected, select the file you wish to link to.
- If the file is not currently located in your Media Library, click on the Upload button
- From the explorer window select the file you wish to upload and click Open
Optional Link Parameters
The following set parameters can be configured for a hyperlink but are not required for it to function on your website. The Target settings will allow you to configure how the destination of your link will be displayed on your site. The Advanced settings will allow you to configure additional display features for the link. These features include adding tooltips and having the link displayed as a button.
Target Settings »
Select the Target tab to the right of the Content Tree and select from the following options:
- (not set) - This is the default setting which will open the link in the same browser window or tab as the current page.
- (frame) - This option will open the link in the frame specified in the Target frame name field
- New window (_blank) - Opens the link in a new browser window.
- Same window (_self) - This option will open the link in the same browser window or tab as the current page.
- Parent window (_parent) - This option will open the link in the browser window the current document is nested in.
- Topmost window (_top) - This option will open the link in the browser window that is positioned on the top.
Advanced Settings »
If you are more Advanced HTML user click on the Advanced tab to edit HTML link settings:
- ID - This option is to state the identifier of the link HTML element
- Name - This field is to state the name of link HTML object
- Tooltip - This field is to specify text that will be displayed when you hover over the link.
- Class - This field is to specify the link element CSS class.
- Style - This field is to specify the additional link element styles
- Button Styling - Activating this option will allow you to convert a link into a button on your page.
These buttons have a default styling setup for them but can be customized for your site. If you would like to change the styling of this button please click here to submit your request
- Once you are satisfied with the parameters of the link, click on Save & Close to create the link.
Your link will appear on your page in the area you selected and when clicked on it will display the file that was linked.
Creating a Hyperlink to an External Website
The Hyperlink option will also allow you to create a hyperlink to an alternate website. This can be achieved by clicking on the Web tab from the Insert Link window. In order to create a link to an external website, you will need to follow these steps:
- From within the Insert Link window, select the Web tab
- Choose one of Protocol options from the drop down list:
- http://
- https://
- ftp://
- news://
- (other)
- Type in or paste in the URL for the external website
- i.e.
Optional Link Parameters
The following set parameters can be configured for a hyperlink but are not required for it to function on your website. The Target settings will allow you to configure how the destination of your link will be displayed on your site. The Advanced settings will allow you to configure additional display features for the link. These features include adding tooltips and having the link displayed as a button.
Target Settings »
Select the Target tab to the right of the Content Tree and select from the following options:
- (not set) - This is the default setting which will open the link in the same browser window or tab as the current page.
- (frame) - This option will open the link in the frame specified in the Target frame name field
- New window (_blank) - Opens the link in a new browser window.
- Same window (_self) - This option will open the link in the same browser window or tab as the current page.
- Parent window (_parent) - This option will open the link in the browser window the current document is nested in.
- Topmost window (_top) - This option will open the link in the browser window that is positioned on the top.
Advanced Settings »
If you are more Advanced HTML user click on the Advanced tab to edit HTML link settings:
- ID - This option is to state the identifier of the link HTML element
- Name - This field is to state the name of link HTML object
- Tooltip - This field is to specify text that will be displayed when you hover over the link.
- Class - This field is to specify the link element CSS class.
- Style - This field is to specify the additional link element styles
- Button Styling - Activating this option will allow you to convert a link into a button on your page.
These buttons have a default styling setup for them but can be customized for your site. If you would like to change the styling of this button please click here to submit your request.
- Once you are satisfied withe the parameters that have you have set, click on the Save & Close button.
Creating a Hyperlink to an Anchor
Anchors will allow you to create a bookmark to a specific section of a page on your website. The practical use for anchors within the same page of content, would be a page that has an extremely large volume of content. Rather than requiring the user to scroll through all of the content to find the specific information they are looking for, an anchor will transport them immediately to that section of the page.
In order to create a Hyperlink to an Anchor you will need to first Create an Anchor. In order to create an Anchor you will need to follow these steps:
- Within the page, locate a point on the page where you want to create an anchor and click on it to place your cursor.
- Click on the Anchor button within the Content Editor.
- Under Anchor Properties, enter in the name for the Anchor (i.e. 'Pricing').
- Click on the OK button to confirm the creation of the Anchor.
Once you have created the Anchor, you will now be able to setup the hyperlink to it.
- Highlight the text you wish to link to the Anchor.
- Click on the Link button from the Content Editor
- Select the Anchor tab
- Click on the 'Link to existing anchor with name' option.
- Select the Anchor you wish to link to.
- Click on the Save & Close button to create the link.
Once you have created the link, clicking on the link will automatically transport you to the section of the page where you Anchor exists.
Creating a Hyperlink to an E-mail Address
If you would like to create an opportunity that allows a visitor to a page to send an e-mail to your club, you will need to create a Hyperlink to an e-mail address. Within this hyperlink you will be able specify not only who the e-mail will be sent to, but you will also be able to specify the following:
- CC (Carbon Copy Recipient)
- BCC (Blind Carbon Copy Recipient)
- E-mail Subject Line
- E-mail Body text.
In order to Create a Hyperlink to an E-mail Address you will need to follow these steps:
- Highlight the text you wish to link to an E-mail Address
- Click on the Link button from the Content Editor
- Select the E-mail tab
- Enter in the information you would like to e-mail to be pre-populated with.
- Click on the Save & Close button to create the Hyperlink.
Once you have created the link, any visitor to the page that clicks on the link will have their default E-mail client automatically opened with the information you entered in the link pre-populating the fields.