How to View Contact History in EMM

The History section of the Contact Profile will display any campaigns that were sent to this particular contact. Each campaign that is sent to a contact will have a list of activities associated with it that pertain to the contact. 

In order to view the history of any of your contacts you will need to follow these steps:
  1. Click Contacts on the left navigation menu to be directed to the Contacts page 
  2. Under the Email Address column, type in the member's email in the search box and then press enter
  3. Once you have located the desired contact, click on the e-mail address to view the Contact Profile
  4. From the Contact Profile screen, select the History tab
If your contact has been sent an email campaign, the information will appear in the main list of the contact's History. To locate information on a particular campaign within the contact's History, use one of the following filters to display the desired information:

  • Event Type – Was the contact sent an email, added to a list, subscribed, unsubscribed
  • Source – Based on the Event Type what platform initiated the event.
  • Source Name – A description of the source
  • Date – The date the event occurred
Once you have located the specific campaign within the contact's History, clicking on the View Activity link will provide you a list of actions tied to the sending of that email campaign. The events that are recorded for the contact include:

  • Delivered – This event refers to when the message was delivered to a contact’s email server/provider. This does NOT dictate that the message made it to the contact’s inbox.
  • Image View – This event translates to when the contact has opened this particular campaign
  • Unsubscribed – This event translates to when the contact was unsubscribed from receiving future campaigns using this message. This can occur from the Email Provider or the Contact themselves.
  • Hard Bounce – This event translates to the contact not receiving the message and that the message bounced back due to a problem with the e-mail address
  • Soft Bounce – This event translates to the contact not receiving the message and bounced back due to a temporary problem with the e-mail address