How to Configure the Event General Information

In order to create an event you will need to access the Event Management module from within Club Central. When creating an Event the first section you will need to complete is the General Information section. This section is broken down into 3 sub-sections.

Here are the steps you will need to follow in order to Create an Event:

  1.  From within Club Central, click on the planet icon in the far left corner
  2. In the search bar type in "event" and select Event Managemenet from the search results
  3. From the Event Management menu located on the left, select Create Event

This will display the General Information section where the Event Details can be entered in.

Event Details

In order to fill out the Event Details section under the General Information tab of the event you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Type in the Name of the event.
  2. Select an Event Category from the drop-down list or, multiple Categories if you so choose.
  3. Select an Event Location from the drop down list.
  4. Enter a description for the event using the content editor.
  5. Select the date in which the Event will take place.
  6. Chose the type of Time settings for the event from the following choices:
    • Regular - The event will have one or multiple Start and End times.
    • All Day - The event has no start time or end time and will display "All Day" in the Event Calendar.
    • No Time - The event has no start time or end time and will only display the event name in the Event Calendar.
    • No End TIme - The event has a specific start time but does not have an end time.
  1. Depending on the type of Time settings chosen, set the Start and End time of the event.
Note: If you are creating a Regular Event and you would like to have multiple times in which people may attend, click on the 'Add new seating time' button to add multiple Start and End times. For more information on Multi-Seating Events click here.

If the event will occur more than once, check the 'Recurrence' checkbox to set the details of the Recurrence. The Recurrence details will allow you to dictate how often and how many times this event will reoccur. The set options that are provided are:

  • Daily - You can choose how often in days an event will occur as well this occurrence will end.
  • Weekly - You can choose which specific days of the week an event will occur and when the last occurrence should be
  • Monthly - You can choose if the event should reoccur on the same date or day of a month based on the current date of the first occurence. You can also choose when the last occurence will be.
  • YearlyYou can choose if the event should reoccur on the same date or day of a year based on the current date of the first occurence. You can also choose when the last occurence will be.
Note: The First occurrence of an event is always the date you have set in the Event Details above.


The Restrictions section of General Information, will dictate who is allowed to attend the event. There are four types of Restrictions that can be set:

  • No attendees under () years old - This will allow you to set a minimum age requirement for the event
  • No attendees over () years old - This will allow you to set a maximum age limit for the event
  • Allow Guests - This will all members to include guests in their reservations
  • Gender Restrictions - This will allow you to set the event to gender specific if desired

Other Settings

Additional settings available for an Event include the following:

  • Hide from Calendar at a Glance - If you have setup the Calendar at a Glance webpart on an alternate page of your site, this will toggle weather the event will be listed or not. For more information on the Calendar at a Glance webpart please click here.
  • Allow Public Users to View This Event - If you have setup a Public Calendar on your site, this feature will determine if this event will be displayed on that calendar as well. For more information on the Public Calendar please click here.