Forms - Using the Form Builder

The Form Builder will allow you to create a BizForm quickly and easily by utilizing a simple drag and drop process. The process is setup in three main parts; Components on the left, the Form Builder in the middle, and the Properties on the right. 


The Components section of the Form Builder are composed of all the available field types that can be added to a Bizform. The List of available field types are as follows:

  • E-mail - Provides a field for entering one or multiple e-mails separated by a definable separator.
  • U.S phone number - Provides fields for entering a phone number in U.S. format.
  • U.S. ZIP code - Provides a field for entering a ZIP code.
  • Country selector - Provides a drop-down list with country names as values.
  • Security code - Provides a simple image CAPTCHA, which requires retyping digits into a provided field, with no available options.
  • Rich text editor - Provides a field of adjustable size for entering text with HTML tags.
  • Drop-down list - Enables entering a list of values for the user to choose from.
  • List box - Enables entering a list of values for the user to choose from (similar to drop down list, but the values are displayed all the time). Offers an option for allowing multiple selection.
  • Calendar - Provides a calendar date and time picker and a 'Now' button, which allows users to choose the current date and time.
  • Check box - Provides a Boolean (only 2 choice data type in a form of a single checkbox that can be checked (true) or unchecked (false).
  • Text area - Provides a field of adjustable size for entering text.
  • Text box - Provides a sing-line field for entering text.
  • Upload file - Provides an uploader of one or more files from the file system. Can be used in online forms and Page types.
  • Multiple choice - Allows specifying multiple selectable values in the form of checkboxes, which can be arranged vertically or horizontally.
  • Radio buttons - Allows specifying multiple values in the form of selectable buttons, which can be arranged vertically or horizontally. Only one value can be selected a time.

Component Properties

The Properties for each Component will allow you dictate how each Component will be displayed and how it will behave within the form. The most common Properties to be configured for a component are as follows:
  • Label - the caption displayed before the field on your form, for example “First Name”.
  • Required (checkbox) - checkmark this box if the field must be filled in order to submit the form
  • Default Value - the default value which will show inside the field
  • Explanation Text - text that will be displayed under the field on the form. Used to give a user more details about a specific field.
  • Tooltip - text shown when the user hovers over the field 


Form Content Area

The Form Content Area(middle column) of the Form Builder, is where all the Components will be compiled to create the BizForm. The Components can be arranged in this area to dictate how the form will appear on your website.

In order to add a Component to the BizForm you must follow these steps:

  1. Select & drag a field type from the list of Components, into the Form Content Area labeled "Start by dragging a component here"
  2. Configure the Properties of the added Component to your desired preferences
  3. Drag additional Components into the Form Content Area and configure their Properties accordingly.
  4. Once you have added and configured all the necessary Components, arrange them in the order you wish them to be displayed.

For instructions on Adding Security to a Form click on the link.

Once you are satisfied with the look of the Form you can move on to Configuring Notifications