Widget Type - Full Width Quick Links

The Full Width Quick Link widget is a set of 3 or 4 button tiles (your choice). The widget is configured by adding/selecting a URL, title, short description and background image for each button tile. By default the image and title will appear on the button. When hovering over a button tile the image will slightly expand within the button tile with an opaque color overlay based on the selected theme's primary colour, and the description will appear. Clicking a button tile will take the user to the pre-selected destination. 

Available in the following Content Blocks: Extra Large

Requirements: Pre-built pages if re-directing to internal pages on the site


Any field marked with a red asterisk (*) is required in order to save the widget. Once all the applicable fields have been configured, click Save & Close to save the widget. The 4th button tile is optional and, if you like, can be used for an event or seasonal reoccurrence that only displays during specific times of the year. If you enter details for the 4th link, click Save & Close and save the page, then come back in later on and hide the 4th link; when you come back to re-add the 4th link, the widget will save your past entries.

  • Theme:* choose between 1 of 3 custom themes that have been applied to the website
  • Number of tiles: choose between 3 or 4 button tiles
  • Height Configuration: choose the height of the tile. Thick or Thin
  • Title Alignment: choose the alignment of the title. Topcenter or bottom
  • Title Size: choose the font size: Nornal (default), Small or Large
Tile Settings
Add the following fields for each tile:
  • URL:* click Select and choose where the user will be directed to when they click on the link 
    • Web: if you want to link to an external site
    • Media Libraries: if you want to link to a PDF
    • Content Tree: if you want to link to an internal page; select the page on the Content Tree that you want to link to
  • Title:* enter a title for the button tile
  • Text:* enter a short description for the button tile
  • Image:* choose an image by clicking Select and choosing the image from the Media Libraries